Saturday, July 12, 2008

EDM #069 - Draw a Beverage

EDM #069 - Draw a Beverage
Originally uploaded by SideShowMom.
I like coffee and tea. I tried Mom's cup when I was young and found just the right ratios of sugar, milk, creamer and honey to make each kind palatable and enjoyable. This week I wandered into a shop that sells Chinese teas. The owner let me have some samples and told me what kinds they were and where they were grown. The next day I went back and bought some. This is White Peony King whole leaf tea--without sugar, cream, milk or honey! The cup's a bone china with a wheat stalk design on the other side (not sure why the cup was turned backwards, I'm right-handed mostly) and very shiny. We found a set of four at our old recycling center. They had a table for "treasures" that we donated to and found new additions at. Better than a garage sale!

Watercolor and Noodler's ink.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Getting Ready & Getting Old

EDM #011 - GlassesWe leave for Ramsey, Minnesota in the morning.  It's the third Welte Family Reunion since 2002 at Uncle Carroll's house.  I bet Aunt Fran cringed at the thought of 100+ people & kids trampling her yard and carpets again...we're not that bad, really!  Everyone pitches in to help with dishes and meals and cleans up after ourselves.  Donations to cover expenses get taken and everyone loves her house!  She has a huge yard and woods and a lovely house with a park and playground across the street.  There's a links-style public golf course that Ron likes to have a round at during the weekend (I would, too, if I'd get off my butt and get to the driving range once in a while.  The kids'd love driving and putting!).  We won't get to go visit Midwest, the big Arabian horse farm across the way, they'll be at their family reunion, too, this weekend, but they were sorry they'd miss us!  I have my fingers crossed that Sunday we can go to St Paul and be-bop around a bit.  Wet Paint is open 12-5 and not too far from Como Park.  We won't go to the zoo this time, but will go to the Lock and Dam on the Mississippi River near the old Ford Plant.  Ron had gone there to work on the conveyer some years ago and I went up to visit and watched boats locking through there.  The kids'll love that!  Also, we'll try to get to Ft Snelling and the park along the river near there.  We'll try to see what else is close.  As much as I would love to, I know I won't be able to "schedule" a time to meet with Roz, if she should be available.  Time has to be flexible around the kids and the DH (who's very unpredictable whims can throw off a whole weekend!).

So, the glasses.  I'll be 43 this year.  About 2 months ago, I noticed that I couldn't focus on things closer than 12-14 inches from my eyes.  So, I had these glasses from when I had eyestrain issues at work and school.  They get used a lot, but they are just a touch too weak for me now.  When we get back from our trip, I'll get the eye exam done.