Thursday, January 01, 2009

New Year


My first drawing of the year!  Let's see if I can get back in the habit!

5 1/2 x 7 1/2 inches, cp wc, 4 x 4 grid, pigma micron & noodler's in my hand-bound sketchbook.


I grew up around rodeos.  My parents kept their horses at and my dad worked at Benjamin Stables in KC.  As a kid, I went to the Kansas City Rodeo, state fairs & the American Royal.  Usually during the event, there would be some cowboy or rodeo clown riding a trained Brahma bull (that's BRAY-mah), similar to riding zebras or other wild animals, completely a novelty.  Brahman cattle, natives of the Indian sub-continent, are used to cross with beef cattle for leaner meat (correct me if this is wrong!) and for their ability to withstand drought conditions.  This fellow (properly, a BRAH-mah) is a Schleich toy, about 3 inches tall at the hump, waiting for his new brown coat on top of my monitor.

Noodler's Lexington Grey in my Lamy Vista on cold-pressed wc paper, gridded.

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