Sunday, November 14, 2004

More Artistamps

Lezbag sent me this one in July, 2004. Lovely photographs!

Here's the insert with a souvenir block tabbed in.

Maggie Mize's edition for the Beloved Toys swap on the HOME list.

Lovely pencil drawings!

And one of my favorite artistamp issues, Omm Post's Breast Cancer issues.

From 2003. Posted by Hello


So this is Bill's cover, not the other one. Posted by Hello

Artistamps, New and Old

This is one of Bill Porter's envelopes covered with his Nudes In Postal Art stamps.

Here's the reverse.

From the Arky of Toast, I received this June 12, 2004 from the Choreographer's swap.

The stamps he included.

And a close-up of one.

This was from Bev Trump-Dittberner comemorating her apprenticeship on a Heidelberg Windmill press. A most lovely stamp!

A sample of the print. Letterpress is really exceptional in it's texture.

Another older piece from 2003 from Marvin Johnson, aka Bufoman.

He lined the vellum envelope with this printed vellum insert.

and mounted his souvenir sheet on cardstock. Posted by Hello

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Day of the Dead

Day of the Dead is one of my favorite artistamp swaps and I missed it this year. I just did. Here is Ailurophilia's issue.

The reverse.

Here is bufoman's.

He always make such a great presentation card. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Recent Receipts

This is from a Spanish Mail Artist, J.M. Calleja. My thanks!

J.M. sent these two postcards.

This is the book from Kerrin Conrad's Whodunnit Mystery Swap on Carving Consortium. It is a well-done book with many great carvings and illustrations! That's a hypodermic pen on the cover, a nice little bonus!

This is from Eric Langolff of France. Eric received one of my mini Add-n-Pass books and sent me his and some art. Thanks, Eric!

Here is the cover of the book he sent.

and the back of it.

The interior is an A4 sheet folded and pasted into the covers. A nice variation of the one I sent.

He also included a postcard of his art. Nice painting!

I received these from Eric on September 9, 2004.
And his note to me.

On July 7, 2004, Susanna Ortlepp sent me this great stamped piece commemorating the Year of the Rubber Ducky.

Here's the back with a clever folded place for a souvenir stamp.

This is one of my new stickers to put on mail art.

And a jazzed-up version. Posted by Hello

Monday, November 01, 2004

The Back

And the back. Thank you, Missy! It still looks nice even after a year! Posted by Hello

Back, Again

Hello Mail Artists! I'm back, again! More trouble on the electronic front; this time I lost my internet connection. My computer lost the ability to resolve domain names, BIG problem! Well, it got solved. I ended up formating my hard drive and re-installing Windows. That did the trick and here I am again with lots of mail art that I scanned in the mean time. Anyway, Here's one from Missy Welshko-Williams from last year's AML-Too Tree Friends swap...
Posted by Hello