This was my Yule stamp in 2003. It starts a Wicca in America series including the holidays of the pagan wheel of the year. I have Yule and Beltane so far.
I got the itch this week and carved an airmailart stamp. That's my favorite plane, the Lockheed Super Constellation. We have one here at the Downtown Airport that flies around the country doing air shows kept up by a bunch of retired TWA mechanics, flight attendants and crewmembers.
Hi all in the Mail Art Realms! Back from the land of Computer Issues for a brief visit and check-in. I've gotten some lovely works in the last few weeks and here are a couple of them: From Princess Esme of Albanlea and Pandora Post is this Angel artistamp for the holidays.
And from Alan Brignull of Adanaland is this lovely letterpress card with a map segment and Stevenson quote! Nicely done and received! Thank you!