Friday, July 16, 2004

IUOMA and other Mail Art

Here is my Certificate of Membership in the International Union of Mail-Artists! See, it's official! Ruud, the Presidente-El Monte of the IUOMA signed it himself back in 2003 when I applied for membership. You can, too!

The envelope. Ruud also enclosed some of the gold stickers you see. Thank you, Ruud!

This was my first or second artistamp. The photo is of a sculpture of a mare and foal outside the American Royal building. Rianna, being a good, breastfed girl, noticed that the mommy horse had "milks!"

Gosh, she looks so young in this one! This was taken at Union Station at Christmastime.

My first artistamp receipts! Bill Porter sent me my first mail art and photographic at that! He has been a good friend and I owe him much!

The postcard front.

I made this for the second call I entered, I mailed the card to the White House and a digital copy to the call host (I'm sorry, I can't remember who did it) Posted by Hello


Ruud Janssen said...

Thanks for the kind words. In the link you made a small error. It is . You mixed up two letters, but that rather looks funny too.

with best wishes,

Ruud Janssen

SideShowMom said...

Thanks Ruud, I Owe U Mail Art!! I fixed the link, too!