Thursday, July 14, 2005

EDM #12 - Draw What You Ate for Dinner

Originally uploaded by SideShowMom.
I ate chicken planks, hush puppies and fries with root beer and lots of malt vinegar at Long John Silver's.
Not one of my better efforts, I've been working on this small painting for about a week and a half and decided it was getting worse and stopped. The chicken was getting to be a muddy mess and the fries disappeared. If we don't make mistakes, we don't learn. So, I'm sharing my mistake.


Julie Oakley said...

Well the picture looks fine to me. But what I really love are the names of the food - chicken planks? hush puppies? In England 'Hush Puppies' is a brand of dull unfashionable generally suede shoes. :)

Linda said...

I think this is nice! (and I'm cracking up at Julie's comment above) :-D You captured the paper wrapper exceptionally well!

SideShowMom said...

Julie and Linda, you gals are great, thanks for the confidence and the laugh. We have Hush Puppies shoes here, too. I'd forgotten them, there was a basset hound in the commercials!

Lindsay said...

I love this drawing. Did you use pastels? Go D and W root beer!

Anonymous said...

Malinda, this is AWESOME! i just love this... Great job.

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