Saturday, July 02, 2005

EDM #10 - My Hand

Originally uploaded by SideShowMom.
I've recently started Bellydance classes and these are my first set of finger cymbals. I'm really not supposed to start with them yet, I jumped the gun and got a really cheap set with the thought of entertaining my kids. My next set will be Saroyan zills, the best. I liked drawing my hand, I think my hands are very graceful and I am able to do a great many things well with them--almost anything I put my mind to. One of the things my husband likes about me is that I can fix lots of things, and if I can't, I almost always know what's wrong with them. This week, I got my very dusty stereo out and cleaned all the components out, dusting, and cleaning switches and slides. It went from scratchy, static in the volume and CD player to a nice, clean sound. I have a nice stereo. I put the components together when I was working at Radio Shack in the late '80s, carefully matching the components, dual tape deck, receiver matched to Minimus 7 speakers and a 6-disc CD changer, DVD player and VCR hooked in to the system. No surround, it wasn't available then, just barely. I'll do that when I get into a house. And HD. And a new computer. And my darkroom.


Terri said...

Hi Malinda,

At first I thought your hand had seven fingers!! Good thing I read your blog entry. :o) I'm sure it would have been more obvious to me in a larger photo: my eyes are not what they used to be!! Great drawing though. I love the rings and yes, you do have lovely graceful hands. Well done.

Anonymous said...

How great that you are so 'handy!' I took belly dancing a couple of years ago with a buddy--we had a great time. Enjoy your lessons---the music is lovely, isn't it? Nice drawing, M.

Anonymous said...

Very nice hand drawing. Love the addition of the finger cymbals. I have a set of those too..I bought them to go with a Halloween costume one year. They're fun.


Anonymous said...

I admire your drawing ... and your "handiness" too. I am handy in the kitchen and garden but with mechanical things, no way. Will you share some belly dancing photos some time? Hint hint?

Jim Bumgarner said...

Hi Malinda, Nice hand and I like the added touch with the castinets. Good luck with the bellydancing! I understand it's great exercise, though not a form I'm likely to get involved with...:-)

Kathleen Pequignot said...

I love the belly dancing idea. What fun! Great job on the hand sketch!