Sunday, January 21, 2007

Union Cafe at Union Station, Kansas City, Missouri

Originally uploaded by SideShowMom.
We got to come to Union Station for a while and run around a little to burn off some of the stir crazies before the snow hit yesterday afternoon. Some little boys with their dad and uncle invited us to play "duck, duck, goose" in the middle of the floor here. Lots of running and squealing! Then we walked across the Link to Crown Center and had lunch at Fritz's train cafe where your food is delivered by trains! When we were done, I checked outside and the snow had started so we headed up to Zoom, the toy store, and the kids picked out a toy each to buy with their Christmas money and we skee-daddled on home just in time!

1 comment:

suzanne cabrera said...

I am SO jealous you have snow. All we have here is ice and it will melt before I have to go to work... No more free days at home! I like the designs around the date. It adds a nice finishing touch.