Thursday, December 28, 2006

Ka-Chow! Yeah, Baby!!!!

I am proud of this!!!

I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

Now I gotta get the kids to sleep!

Monday, December 11, 2006

Kaci, Mindy & Me: Henna Sisterhood

Kaci, Mindy & Me
Originally uploaded by SideShowMom.
My new friends in Henna Goodness! We had a get-together at Kaci's to sift henna, drink chai, eat sago, talk about henna and watch our kids play deliriously in the family room! These are two very nice ladies who share several interests with me and I look forward to more! Kaci went to the last Las Vegas Henna Conference and is a wealth of information as well as a fantabulous person. She shared so much with us! Thank you!

I'm mixing up a new batch now!

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Crocheted Yarn for Yarn Belt/Skirt

Thicker than a single strand of yarn or even three strands braided, I think this will hang and swing nicer on a yarn belt/skirt. I'll do some braided strands with silver metallic cord in them, too, for some sparkle and put some coins and silver beads in, like the hair braids. The yarn is 1 strand of 4-ply Red Heart burgundy and 1 strand Lion Boucle in Popsicle held together using a really big hook that my daughter got at a JoAnn demo. I'd say it's close to a J...

Sunday, October 08, 2006


Here's some more blogthings nonsense...a couple of weeks ago it was "Talk Like a Pirate Day" and yesterday I went the the KC Renaissance Festival (so, I'm still not convinced that Pirates belonged in Tudor or Elizabethan England). So...

Your Pirate Name Is...

Cannibal Right Eye Rita

Friday, October 06, 2006


Originally uploaded by SideShowMom.
This is a photo of my friends Amy and George and I when we played some music for church service one Sunday. Amy was my recorder and piano teacher and is a good friend as is George. We grew apart when I had my kids, I just have a busier life now. They stay in my thoughts, though. The kids are more forgiving of my practice time now, and I've added Middle Eastern drumming to my interests along with dance. I'd like to get back into some contact sometime soon...find out how they are...I miss you guys!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Steve Irwin, Crocodile Hunter and Human Extraordinaire: 1962 -2006

I really can't add too much to what lorenzodom writes here. We've lost a passionate human...and still have his adventures to remember and watch and pretend about!


Steve Irwin, Crocodile Hunter and Human Extraordinaire: 1962 -2006
September 5, 2006:

The death of Steve Irwin is not as tragic as many media pundits are purporting it to be.

Far from, for how many of us have the courage, the tenacity and the integrity to do exactly what we love doing, everyday, regardless of the risks and the ridicule, regardless of the perils of the unknown?

Not many.

But Steve certainly did, and he died well knowing of the dangers involved in executing his greatest passion. That is not tragic, that is triumphant.

Granted, I’m sure he, his family and all his fans around the world would have preferred that he had lived a lot longer.

Alas, when a man looks fate straight in the eye and even vies to wrestle with it, and when an indifferent and amoral species, such as the mortal stingray that killed Steve on Monday by piercing him directly in the heart, as it reacted out of primal fear—he, nor we, should be surprised.

Zoo owner, star of several documentaries on Animal Planet and the Travel Channel, ardent conservationist, and business entrepreneur, Steve Irwin understood what it took to succeed; he understood the perseverance, the passion, and the peril that he faced often, if only because he wanted to teach and inspire others not to fear living life to its fullest.

Fearless in so many ways, Steve was still known to have a more vulnerable, human side to him. For he is reported to have said, “Getting married was the scariest moment of my life.”

Nonetheless and allthemore, the fact is, Steve likely died as he had hoped, maybe a little earlier than he had anticipated, but certainly in as grand a manner as his gall, his showmanship, and his exemplar exuberance had together deemed what was ultimately the most apropos way to go, for this extraordinary man, this extraordinary human, and this extraordinary lover of (wild) life.

The End Is Not So Horrible, If You Know How To Get There *

Immediately after Niezstche's Zarathustra gives his prologue, the tight rope walker carrying on above Zarathustra and the onlooking town folk—plunges to his death.

The following conversation ensues between Zarathustra and the fallen, prior to the latter's last breath:

“By my honor, friend,” answered Zarathustra, “all that of which you speak does not exist: there is no devil and no hell. Your soul will be dead even before your body: fear nothing further.”

The man looked up suspiciously. “If you speak the truth,” he said, “I lose nothing when I lose my life. I am not much more than a beast that has been taught to dance by blows and a few meager morsels.”

“By no means,” said Zarathustra. “You have made danger your vocation; there is nothing contemptible in that. Now you perish of your vocation: for that I will bury you with my own hands.”

To die by one's vocation.

That is perhaps the highest form of passion. To live and perish in the thrill of one's purpose and the moments that made life meaningful for that individual. That is the ultimate form of living.

Perhaps, it is living dangerously, but it is also living.

How many heroes have done much the same? Those we hold in the highest esteem live and die by that which they know to be their calling.

9.11 and the bold acts of all the municipal servicemen that perished is a poignant example.

But just the same, the likes of the greatest artists, writers, scientists, entrepreneurs and other elite minds and imaginations who died of old age are equally laudable, if only because they held their course in life, they overcame obstacles and defeated monsters, and outwitted conformity, complacency and their seven ugly sisters: jealousy, envy, virtue, materialism, righteousness, apathy, and the unknown.

“Don't waste your time on jealousy. Sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind. The race is long and, in the end, it's only with yourself.”
- Mary Schmich -

The greatest journeys are always alone and end with death, which is why the journey itself should be the ultimate goal. Fulfillment comes with the fulfilling. If you constantly are looking to go somewhere in order to achieve happiness, you'll really never get there.

“That's the message of the myth. You, as you know yourself, you are not the final term of your being. And you must die to that, one way or another—giving of yourself to something or in being annihilated, actually, physically—to return, you might say, or to recognize (that) life is always on the edge of death—always. And one should lack fear, and have the courage of life. That's the principle initiation of all of the heroic stories.”
- The Power of the Myth, Joseph Campbell -

And so my fellow photographers, kin spirits, adventurers, lovers of life, Make Every Shot Count, position yourself well, and then click before you’ve lost the nerve.

Life is fleeting, as are all the fine moments that cumulatively constitute our existence.
So fear not! Most of the time you won’t get hit or the person you’re aiming your camera at really won’t care (especially after you walk away).

“The choice to live our passion is not dangerous,
it is much worse, it is unknown.
But what is known can never be new or creative.
If we die in our passion, at least we have lived,
if we live in the known we have already died.”
-Steven Harrison-

Decicated in memory of Steve Irwin, Crocodile Hunter and Human Extraordinaire: 1962 -2006

*Excerpted from the upcoming book 25 Lessons I Have Learned, to be published by Cyan Books in the Spring of 2007.

Uploaded by lorenzodom on 5 Sep '06, 5.33pm PDT.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

New Map on Flickr

West of Marakkesh
Originally uploaded by SideShowMom.
Guess what? You can see where photos were taken and plot yours on a map within Flickr! You can set permission to say who's allowed to see the location on an individual photo basis or for all photos and change the ones you don't want, like home and school no one, or family or friends only can see them. I tried it out with some of mine...the most recent...and it's cool! Click on the photo, then, once you're in Flickr, click on "Map" under the photo...

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Henna Sunflower Hand

Henna Sunflower Hand
Originally uploaded by SideShowMom.
Not been doing much art lately...unless this counts. Dance is an art. Middle Eastern dance is the victim of much mis-information. In the eyes of most Westerners, it's a dance of semi-naked gyrations and bellyrolls, seen only in Greek, Middle Eastern or North African restaurants or, lately, Renaissance Festivals. Women in the Middle East and North Africa often dance among themselves to entertain themselves at family celebrations or at the end of a long day to relieve tension. It is celebratory. It is feminine. It is physically challenging and has many health benefits.

I am more comfortable in my body than I have been in a long time. My belly is stretched and pouchy from having my two babies and I bare it proudly. I am a Mother.

The henna that stains my hand in this photo is a paste from a plant that grows in the Middle East and India and used to decorate hands, feet and bellies of women for Islamic holidays, weddings and pregnancies. Mehndi has become popular in the US also. I've been doing Mehndi for a while, a girl I knew in school from Pakistan gave me a tube of henna and I tried some designs with it. Now I use mylar cones to apply the paste and get very intricate designs this way.

A week ago, some friends and I met for a video/henna party and there was some left-over paste that I've been playing with...

So, here's my latest art-work!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Europe? Ok.

You Belong in Paris

You enjoy all that life has to offer, and you can appreciate the fine tastes and sites of Paris.
You're the perfect person to wander the streets of Paris aimlessly, enjoying architecture and a crepe.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Little Drummer Boy

Little Drummer Boy
Originally uploaded by SideShowMom.

Here's Geordan on my doumbek! Look at him go!! I shot the video clip at the end of his drumming session so he's a little less energetic than in the photos...but you can see him in action, doums, teks and all! He really likes drumming and has learned the basic Baladi rhythm of Middle Eastern music!

That's not the only way he's growing up right now...he's ALL ready to start Early Childhood school in the Fall! No more DIAPERS!!!! We visited Mrs Frey, who will be his teacher and was his sister's, yesterday and she is so excited that he's ready!!

There are more photos, and the end result, in my Flickr!

Friday, May 26, 2006

Hydrants and Firefighters - EDM #66

Hydrants and Firefighters
Originally uploaded by SideShowMom.
When I was 6 or 7, I went to vacation bible school in Smithville. At the end of the week, there was a parade and I got to ride on top of a fire truck.

When I was 12 or 13, a girl next door used her toaster and it caused a fire that burned the kitchen of the duplex on the other side of ours. The girl's family had to move and lost some of their possessions due to smoke and water damage. There was a crack in our kitchen wall from the firefighters chopping out the burned bits with their axes. Our apartment smelled like burned plastic for a long time.

Originally uploaded by SideShowMom.
When I was going to school at DeVry (1986-88) there was an explosion at a gravel quarry near 87th street and Blue River Road near Swope Park. Someone had set fire to a trailer full of fertilizer that the quarry used to blast out gravel. When the fire company arrived, no one told them what was in the trailer and it exploded, killing six firefighters and injuring others. The blast could be heard 20 miles away and broke windows all over the area. I was in the area, staying with a friend. I heard it. There is a memorial there now.

Rianna on 9\11
Originally uploaded by SideShowMom.
When I lived at the car shop, Storm and I volunteered with the Red Cross Disaster Aid Teams as monitors. We would listen to a scanner for fire calls. When there was a fire in an occupied residence or more than 2 alarms called, we called the RC to send the IRV (Immediate Response Vehicle). It had blankets and coffee and relief items for firefighters and victims. One time there was a fire across the street from the shop. We went and watched the firefighters work. They are so efficient, fearless, tireless and courageous. Their lives are at risk every time they leave the station. People have so little respect for what they do, I see so many cars not pull over and stop when emergency vehicles have their lights and sirens on. What if it was their loved-ones' lives at stake? There's a new station being built near our apartment. We'll make sure they know they're appreciated!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Rianna Comeneci

Rianna Comenici
Originally uploaded by SideShowMom.

The kids go to gymnastics at the Kansas City Gymnastics School up in Riverside. The school has trophys lining the gym walls and banners of college girls from the gym (and a boy!). There are the usual apparatus and a big foam pit for the kids to jump into at the end of their classes.

Last weekend they held their Spring Fling. It's sort of a meet for the parents to see what the kids are up to. The gymnastics version of a recital. The kids all get scores and ribbons and everyone gets a medal!

Rianna got to participate, Geordan is sitting out for a little while. She got sixth place for Beam and Bars and third for Floor! She was so good, sitting patiently with her classmates while she waited to be called! She even tried a trick on the beam that she had been afraid to do! She is very proud and so are we!!

As an extra bonus, some of the college girls were there visiting. One of them, Jennifer Naughton, did her floor exercise routine! The kids were sitting on the edge of the floor and Rianna said, "Mommy, she ran so fast and she was flying!!"

Here's video clips of the day! (Remember, no sound!)

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Sketchcrawling with Mom

Here she is drawing with me at the park. She is drawing our waterbottle. I'll post the finished drawing, too.

Dancing Princess

More videos!! Rianna wanted me to shoot her dancing at the park, so, here she is, dancing to her own singing, Rianna!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

People You Don't Know

Originally uploaded by SideShowMom.
Hi! This is my husband Ron (say "hi" Ron)("Hi!"). We've been married for almost 4 years (June 30) and together for almost 13 (June 1). I just found out this morning that he used to paint.

He works as a structural drafter for a company that builds commercial buildings, Butler Construction, in the heavy structures division. His currently working on the US Tennis Association's new building in New York to be finished before the 2007 US Open. He has previously worked on automotive conveyors, commercial office buildings and sports arenas. He was the first person to design a building in AUTOCAD at Black & Veatch, the largest engineering firm in KC. In his early design days, he renovated a number of McDonald's restaurants in the Greater KC area, including the Country Club Plaza restaurant in Seville Square. As part of the remodel, he produced the drawings from which the Seville, Spain bas-relief mural was based. I have his ink on illustration board drawing and plan to have a clean copy made to frame and hang in our house (when we get a house).

I know he drew some as a young man, that's about it.

I am currently in the process of making a batch of hand-bound books; three from typing paper for the kids (their own "Moleskines") and three from watercolor paper (one for me and one to sell). I asked him,this morning, if he would like me to make one for him. He said, "yes." "What kind of paper, typing or watercolor?" "Watercolor."

His answer surprised me, I'm not sure why. I asked if he would draw in it and he said maybe he would. I asked if he had painted before and he said he had, a long time ago. "What media?" "Watercolors, some tempera and oils."

I had no idea.

I am very pleased to know this and pleased that he wants me to make him a book.

I love him!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Ice Princess

Here's Rianna's first time on ice skates. After about 20 minutes, she insisted on a "solo" flight!

Third St Louis Video

Here's the last one from the St Louis trip last summer...

More Video of My Kid Jumping!

Ok, I think that worked (except for the sideways part!) so here's more...

Are We On?

I'm not sure if this will work, but I have a YouTube account now and have shot some video clips of my kids (no sound, sorry). See if it works and comment! Oh, yeah, it's sideways! I'm a photographer, not a videographer, and forget you can't just flip it sideways...

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Young Illustrator in the Making

Originally uploaded by SideShowMom.
We have, from Netflix, Disney's Haunted Mansion. The kids have watched about a dozen times this week and last night, as I was cleaning from supper, Rianna got this book out and illustrated her own version of the "legend" of the haunted mansion story. Very carefully, she drew each of the scenes and told me what each drawing was of and was very excited to do it! The best way to see them is to go to the Kids' Art set, they are in the proper order there.

Monday, April 24, 2006


Originally uploaded by SideShowMom.

We did it!!! We survived and danced, too! Don't we look cool!

We (Marcy, aka Christiana and me, aka Vina) made our choreographic debut yesterday with our original dance to Raquy and the Cavemen's Caravan in the Shimmyfest recital of the Maya Zahira School of Bellydance. We also danced with our intermediate class to Paul Dinletir's Raks Africa. I was in the front row, next to our teacher Amara (whose photo is in my stream!), by accident, and nailed it!!!

(Click the photo to go to Flickr and mouse over it for notes)

Saturday, April 22, 2006

"Still Life" by Dave Gray

Still life
Originally uploaded by dgray_xplane.

One of my Flickr contacts is Dave Gray, his screen name is "dgray_xplane."

Dave is an artist.

His Flickr stream is a lovely place to hang out and just absorb light and beauty, photographs and paintings. Recently, he's uploaded a lot of his oil paintings.

I saw this this morning.

The composition is masterful. His whites are so full of color and light. The palette and tissue next to his he's just taking a break from his painting to make a painting.

I live within 2 miles of Thomas Hart Benton's studio/home, and the studio was left the way it was when he died, working at his easel on a painting. His palette's there and brushes and it looks like he is just taking a break and will be right back any minute to finish signing unintended homage.

Click the painting to go to a larger version and his Flickr stream!

I really love this Dave!

Monday, April 17, 2006


Brush Creek
Originally uploaded by SideShowMom.
Well, I had a bit of a surprise when I woke up, my monitor shows blue, green and a tiny bit of red. I know it's either the vid card or the monitor (it's rebuilt). The monitor's had a problem for some time, though. Partway through the morning, it gets darker. So my photos have been a little off...I think. I try not to mess with them too much, just in case. Well, it's just time to get the new machine, finally. I've been using the kids' computer that we found, it's an old school computer with a Pentium MMX and a teeny hard-drive. I could do most things I needed to with it. I have my scanner, printer, mp3 player, an old version of Photoshop and my lickity-split Roadrunner. So we just let it limp along, trying not to fill it up, having Walgreens burn my photos to cds, not putting all my music on it, til now. When we get the new one, I'll wipe the drive on this one and give it back to the kids with a new monitor/video card.

We went to the library Saturday and the kids picked out some great books and played while I drew this scene out the window (that doesn't count as plein air, does it?). Anyway, it was lots of fun. April is poetry month and the kids and I made poetry pockets with styro desert plates and small poems to put in them. We found one by Shel Silverstien about homework that Rianna liked and made a new version about balls with the same form. She is such a creative kid, I hope no one squashes that! I plan to keep a close eye on her teachers (already do)!

Sunday, April 16, 2006


Originally uploaded by SideShowMom.
"Shimmyfest" Dance Recital

Sunday April 23, 2006
1:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Event Location: Shawnee Civic Center, 13817 Johnson Drive, Shawnee KS

Doors open at 1 p.m.
Reception follows show.
$8 advance tickets, $10 at the door, Kids 8 to 12 $3, Kids under 8 are free

I am dancing a duet with my friend Marcy and with our class. My first performance!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

EDM Challenges #1 & #13

EDM Challenges #1 & #13
Originally uploaded by SideShowMom.
I did most of this yesterday. At home I did the phone and at the park I did my shoe. I colored in the phone this morning in the same light. In my hedgehog!

New Book

New Book
Originally uploaded by SideShowMom.
Another friend on EDM, Starr, had commented about my blog and how she was inspired by my drawing consistently and as a surprise Thank-you, she sent me Danny's book! Bless you Starr! I read it in one sleepless night and have loaned it to another friend who is an "artist-in-hiding"... for the time being!

What I'm Doing

East Belfast Beach
Originally uploaded by SideShowMom.

I've been busy lately! A friend on Everyday Matters introduced me to Wet Canvas! a couple of weeks ago and I've done two of their Weekly Drawing Events! It's a really big art community site with tons of stuff and people and I'm finding my way around it. I got back to doing some tiny little ATC-sized paintings, this time more landscape-y than what I was doing for ATCs before. This one is from a photo by WDE host Barbara last weekend of a beach in Maine. Just 2 1/2 by 3 1/2 inches! You'll have to read these posts backwards to get it all...

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Garden Panorama

Garden Panorama
Originally uploaded by SideShowMom.
We went to the Deanna Rose Children's Farmstead today, the second day they are open for the season. It was 73, a little windy, but gorgeous! The kids had a grand time and were good as gold! So, on the way home we stopped at Sonic and had a large chocolate shake! Yummy!

There is a new member in the Everyday Matters Yahoo group who said lots of complimentary things about my blog today. How it made a difference with her. I'll make sure I keep posting. If one person is touched by what I have to give, others are and haven't said so. Thank you Starr!

I have been working on a painting this weekend for a Weekend Drawing Event on Wet Canvas! Diahn is hosting and I am working on something for her, so I thought I'd try. It's really amazing that a tiny little painting is taking me more than 3 days to get done. I've, maybe, put an hour's work into it. They are only supposed to have about 2 in them. Spending lots of time with the kidlets!

Monday, February 20, 2006

Daily Zen

Daily Zen is one of my favorite sites, every two weeks, or so, they post a historic text to contemplate and commentary to guide your enjoyment and journey. They are usually very timely and always insightful. Acompanied by lucious artwork, the whole site is an oasis in the crazy modern world. Posted by Picasa

Friday, February 17, 2006

EDM # 51 - Our TV

EDM # 51 - Our TV
Originally uploaded by SideShowMom.
Our TV with The Incredibles playing. Everyone in our family likes this movie, the kids have seen it about a hundred times and Ron & I have seen it almost that much. We finally bought the DVD for Christmas. There is a second DVD with special stuff on it including "Jack-Jack Attack," the short that features the baby's special powers. The kids and I have seen it MANY times and we all three still squeal when he does his "thing!!" There is also a short that features the talents of Bud Lucky, a veteran animator from the Disney studio (now at Pixar). If you're into animation, this film is a grand show! I made this with Pigma micron pens, Pigma brush pen, and PITT pens. I got the colors to blend in the reflection on the screen in a cool way but I goofed up the yellow color in the "i." In my hedgie on watercolor paper.

Monday, January 30, 2006

EDM #17 - Musical Instrument

EDM #17 - Musical Instrument
Originally uploaded by SideShowMom.
My new Toca doumbec (also called a darbouka)! I did it in watercolors and in with some prismacolor pencil over it. I wasn't crazy about the intensity of the colors. In my hedgehog. It's a middle eastern drum used for the main rhythms and embelishments in Middle Eastern music. There's a photo of it in my flickr Bellydance set also. I found it at Explorers Percussion on Wornall Friday and they had aluminum ones from Egypt also to save for. It's got a light-weight synthetic body covered with a Balinese batik print fabric and sealed finish and a goat-skin glued head. I figure it'll be good for me to practice rhythms on and for toting to the Renaissance Festival, parades, etc.

Friday, January 27, 2006


An Austrian Magazine is using a photo of Rianna for their website! I'm glad to see her razzing face everywhere! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Self Portrait Tuesday - History #3

Originally uploaded by SideShowMom.
Here's the moment! My first camera! A Kodak Tele-Ektra 1 outfit. I must have been about 8, it was before the accident. I still have it!

It took 110 film and had a telephoto lens you could switch into place. That stuck after about a year and didn't work any more. I remember taking it to the St Louis Zoo where it was camera day and shooting lots of animals. I don't know where any of the photos are, probably at Mom's in one of the thousands of boxes of photos there. I also bought myself a brownie and could get film for it and shot that for a while. My dad had tons of Popular Photography magazines around and I used to dream about being able to take breathtaking landscape shots, spectacular colored-filter shots and model shots for fashion magazines. I didn't know it until much later, but I had an uncle here in town who was a photographer. I do remember seeing his large slr rig with an off-camera flash bracket and a big camera bag. My dad had a Ricoh twin-lens camera he got while he was serving in Korea in the 60's.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Blind Contour Friday

My drink cup at McDonald's. It has Olympic Bobsledder & Mom Vonetta Flowers on it. I can't wait for Torino!!! I love the Olympics!!!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Stuff in my Kitchen

Originally uploaded by SideShowMom.
The cinnamon sugar shaker on top of the Jelly Bellies tin on top of my microwave. Pigma micron ink in my Hedgie.

I've been pretty good and sketching something every day this week. More than one thing on most days. My poor old computer isn't handling all the work of scanning very well though. Oh, well, adapt and overcome... I'll scan some more later.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Self Portrait Tuesday - History

Photos are a way to capture what someone looked like at a particular time. They are also a way to record an event. In my Family, gatherings are always a special event. This one was Christmas of 1971. My Grandma & Grandpa Welte had three of their children visiting with their families. Here are my Uncle Curtis, his wife Marilyn, their new son Cyrus, Aunt Corliss, her husband Paul, their children Cherie and Jon, my sister and myself.

We were very lucky to have our grandparents in Missouri with us for so long. They had 11 children and I have hundreds of cousins scattered all over the country. Having my grandparents here meant that we had their primary attention and got to take trips together. One of our favorite places to go and a family tradition we have continued with my children, is the visit to Silver Dollar City (near Branson, MO) in the Fall. This water clock is still there, but not functioning any more. We took the kids for their first trip this November. Posted by Picasa

Material Girl

Originally uploaded by SideShowMom.
I took this in response to Felicity Grace's Material Girl challenge. These are the art materials I use the most right now plus some new markers we got at Wal-Mart yesterday. The kids had a ball with the markers last night! This photo has a bunch of notes on it in flickr, click and mouse over the photo to see them!

Friday, January 06, 2006

Blind Contour Friday - Bigfoot

Originally uploaded by SideShowMom.
For Blind Contour Friday I did my bear cub's Bigfoot Zip-zap monster truck. When we went to St Louis on vacation, we stayed at a hotel near where the real Bigfoot "lives."

This is probably the worst BC I've done yet! Ha!

Thursday, January 05, 2006

New Year's Resolutions -- With Self Portraits!

On or about New Years we're encouraged to set new goals for the year. I posted some art goals to the Everyday Matters list:

Draw something every day, even if it's just a doodle in my hedgie.
Complete one EDM challenge per week, more if I'm inspired.
Complete one Photo Friday photo per week.
Study color, maybe I'll do what Laura did and explore a color at a time. I'm open to suggestions...
Integrate dance into more of my life, study arabic/north african/middle & near eastern art and music.
Make my habit more self-supporting, sell hedghogs/journals.

I also have some goals regarding dancing: I'll practice every day, even if it's just the 15 minute workout from Rachel Brice's Tribal Fusion Belly Dance Yoga Drills & Isolations video.

And go as far as I can with my classes. I found some teachers I really like and are very encouraging! Posted by Picasa

Mmm, Fish! - SPT

Originally uploaded by SideShowMom.
Me at Marineland of the Pacific in October of '71. Mom's trying to keep me from swimming with them!

I don't really remember all that much about the whole trip to CA except for the "It's a Small World" ride and the Haunted Mansion being really scary. We stayed with my Dad's sister Charlotte and her family, lots of cousins. I think we saw Coleman's bunch while we were there in San Diego, too.

Donald & Us - SPT

Originally uploaded by SideShowMom.
The kid just came up to us because Donald was there just as Dad snapped the photo. My sister was very upset!

Disneyland for SPT

Originally uploaded by SideShowMom.
Here's us in front of Sleeping Beauty's Castle in October of '71. If you click on the photo, you'll go to it in flickr where there are notes on it showing where we are in it.

Self Portrait Tuesday - History

Originally uploaded by SideShowMom.
Here's some photos from the old family album for Self Portrait Tuesday. This is me at 5 riding my mom's horse Suntan. Isn't he handsome all stretched out for his photo? She was a member of the Heart of America Riding Club and we went on breakfast trailrides at Benjamin Stables one Sunday a month. It was a ladies' club and the men (the "Auxiliary") would stay at the picnic ground and cook our scrambled eggs and bacon over the campfire. I thought I was all grown up because she let me ride with the club (I must have been all of 8 or 9 when I started). Suntan had a silver-decked parade saddle we would use sometimes. Very handsome!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Happy New Year! & EDM #44 Draw an Animal

Originally uploaded by SideShowMom.

I have most of my art friends Bloglined so I can see when you've updated your blogs at a glance! Very cool! I discovered that as a result of surfing for podcasts to listen to on my mp3 player and wanted a way to have the rss feeds fed to me. Ain't technology great?

Art goals for 2006...I've been chewing on this for a few days and have to put this out into the universe:

Draw something every day, even if it's just a doodle in my hedgie.
Complete one EDM challenge per week, more if I'm inspired.
Complete one Photo Friday photo per week.
Study color, maybe I'll do what Laura did and explore a color at a time. I'm open to suggestions...
Integrate dance into more of my life, study arabic/north african/middle & near eastern art and music.
Make my habit more self-supporting, sell hedghogs/journals.

Here's my first painting of the year, my daughter's little stuffed kitten, Little Gray. She got her at McDonald's in a Happy Meal and she's her favorite toy. We were playing together yesterday and I asked if she wanted me to draw one of her toys we were playing with and that's what she wanted me to draw. She's watercolors and ink in my hedgehog journal. I was trying to get the bumpy texture of the fur right with the stippled color, what do you think?

1-13-06 I didn't even pick up that this was a challenge subject! So here's #44 - Draw an animal, a pet, a zoo animal, a stuffed one...